
Bags Choosing Tips

There is an old saying that every woman is in lack of a Bag(tote bag,shoulder bag,handbag). We can always find it true cause that no matter how many bags we have in the wardrobe, we still feel it is not enough and can't find the appropriate one to match with our outfit. This passage introducts several bags in detailed and intends to teach you on buying the one you will always use and suits for many occasions.

Tote bags: A tote bag is large and often unfastened with parallel handles that from the two sides. Everyone needs to have one when go out with many things, thanks to its large capacity and durability. In general, tote bags are made with canvas or leather, shaped in square or rectangular. Some are unfastened, while other ones have handy pockets for phones, keys, bottles.

Some Occasions for Tote Bags
On airplane for your carry-on
On beach for all your things(towel, hat,glasses,sunscreen)
Out shopping, instead of plastic bags

Handbags/Clutch bags: Handbags are widely used when we go to parties. That are always in bling materials and easy to match with your prom dresses. Handbags can be easily rest in the crook of your arm.

Some Occasions for HandBags
Dating in a ladylike looking
Matching with hot prom dress to a club on girls' night
Go to wedding

Shoulder bags: Shoulder bags are daily necessity. When we go out, our hands are uauslly busy with something, shoulder bag is best for this situation. Backbags can also free our hands, but we stand the risk of thief. There are various sizes, shapes, colors, designs of shoulder bags, surely you will find the one you love.

Some Occasions for Shoulder Bags
To the store/movie for your wallet, phone
To the office, a quality one for professional looking

Article from English Taobao Agent-Pabbos.com.

